When It’s Time to Upgrade Your Vacuum Fleet

- 10:00 pm - May 28th, 2024

If you notice that your fleet of vacuum trucks is slowing your business’s productivity, it’s probably worth upgrading them. Along with reduced productivity, here are some other reasons to consider:


  • Soaring maintenance costs: As vacuum trucks age, breakdowns become more frequent, and the vacuum system may lose suction power and efficiency. If repair costs are outweighing the value of your current fleet, it might be time for an upgrade.
  • Safety concerns: Older vacuum trucks may lack modern safety features, and upgrading can help ensure your fleet meets current standards.
  • Obsolete technology: The vacuum truck industry is constantly evolving, and newer models may offer increased fuel efficiency, lower emissions, and other improved features to make your life easier.
  • Difficulties finding parts: With older vacuum trucks, parts can become difficult to find and expensive to purchase. Upgrading your fleet increases the likelihood of parts being available for purchase and replacement.


Upgrading your fleet of vacuum trucks can be a significant financial commitment, but it can also lead to substantial long-term profits thanks to decreased repair costs and increased business efficiency. Truck Service of Virginia is here to help. We work with the top names in the trucking industry to help ensure you’re getting the right features at the best price, and we also offer flexible financing options for new trucks. Visit our vacuum trucks page to see the specifications we offer, and contact us for more information and any questions you may have.

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