5 Road Safety Tips for Fall

- 10:00 am - September 16th, 2024

While the summer may be a busy trucking season, the fall is a busy season for everyone. Teachers and kids return to school, vacations end, and on top of that, it gets colder! There are always things you can do on the road to stay safe, like staying up to date on inspections and practicing defensive driving, but we wanted to discuss specific tips for fall to help keep you safe on the road this season.


  1. School is in session. You probably already noticed the increase in traffic since the schools started their new year. It’s extremely important to keep a watchful eye out for school buses, crossing guards in the roads, and children walking to and from school, especially in residential areas.

  1. Be careful driving through leaves. Yes, the fall foliage is pretty to look at, but leaf piles on the road can be deceiving. Wet leaves can be just as slick as ice, and dry leaves can be covering up dangers on the road like potholes, bumps, and other hazards.

  1. Keep those sunglasses handy. Do the sunrises and sunsets feel brighter in autumn? That’s because the sun is lower in the sky and can produce more glare.

  1. Watch the weather: Fall weather is tricky to predict. September can feel like summer, and October can get cold quick. It’s important to keep a close eye on the weather during the fall so you can stay prepared.

  1. Lookout for animals: Animals are active in the fall, especially deer because it’s their mating season. Drive with extra caution through wooded and rural areas.

The best safety tip we can give you is to keep your truck in good condition! If you need repairs or are interested in a new custom service truck, contact TSVA today to request your quote!

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