Keep Your Drivers Safe With These Winter Tips

- 5:14 pm - December 27th, 2018

Even your most experienced truckers can have a hard time managing icy roads. By implementing preventive safety skills for driving in icy conditions, you can sail through winter without any major problems. Here are a few tips to share with your drivers to keep them safe:

  • Inspect Your Vehicle
    Getting your truck prepped for winter is essential. Best of all, TSVA can help you with all necessary inspections and tests needed to keep your fleet of trucks safe, reliable and up to code.
  • Take it Slow
    Be sure your drivers know to adjust their speed according to the road conditions. More snow and ice on the road means poor traction, which means they won’t be able to stop as quickly as when the roads are dry.
  • Leave Extra Space
    The stopping distance on a wet road is twice the normal stopping distance, and on icy roads, it’s almost 10 times. Your drivers should leave plenty of space between their truck and the vehicle in front of them in to avoid any sudden, unpredictable situations.
  • Assess Road Conditions
    An important winter driving tip is to pay attention to tire spray. If there’s a lot of water being sprayed, the road is obviously wet. If the spray is relatively less, however, it suggests the roadway has started to freeze over and your drivers should exercise additional caution.
  • Be Prepared!
    Don’t forget to have your drivers carry warm clothes and blankets with them in case they get stuck on the road. Some good things to have on hand include a flashlight, shovel, matches, traction devices, and a bag of sand.

This may all be common sense to seasoned truck drivers, and owners of truck fleets, but now is the time to remind your drivers how to stay safe while out on the roads during this winter season – especially with talks of this year’s snowy winter. If you need any further advice, or if you’re in the market for a new custom-built truck, contact us online!

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