Let’s Talk About Tanker Safety

- 10:00 am - August 28th, 2024

The tank truck industry is and will remain a vital component of our economy. We have seen a strong increase in the tank trucking industry, due in part to rebounding from the COVID-19 pandemic and advances in technology. While all indicators point to a continued increase in the industry, it’s more important than ever to discuss safety practices on the road.


According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are 1,300 tanker rollover accidents and 500 large truck rollover accidents throughout the United States.


A good acronym to help prevent rollovers on the road is BUCK:

  • B: Be alert
  • U: Understand the hazards
  • C: Check your truck
  • K: Know your load


The best defense is a good offense. It’s important to always examine your load and truck before departing on your trip. Here are few safety tips you should take before loading your tank truck:

  • Double check your cargo is correct and follow any special instructions.
  • Chock the wheels of the truck to prevent accidental movement.
  • Put on necessary personal protection as required.
  • Identify a working area and ensure there are no unauthorized people there.


While it’s impossible to avoid all accidents on the road, you can reduce the chances of a rollover by securing your load, checking your brakes, tires, and fluids, and practicing defensive driving on the road. Take advantage of modern technology like driver-facing cameras and backup cameras to increase safety and reduce accidents.


Don’t head into the fall and winter seasons without making the necessary repairs and inspections at Truck Service of Virginia. Contact us to request a quote!


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